The DeLaughter Telegraph

Kilindi Update
A few months ago, we sent out an email about a woman Prosper had helped from an area called Kilindi. His first scouting trip was in February for 2 weeks, and his second trip ended two weeks ago. He was there for six weeks this time and took with him two other discipler network leaders with him from the Arusha area.
To refresh your memory
Here is an excerpt from out February Telegraph Newsletter:
Prosper’s 1st Trip to Kilindi
In December, Prosper was on the bus when a woman collapsed in front of him. He and some other disciplers rushed her the hospital, and we helped pay for her hospital fees. Prosper found out that Amina* had HIV and was close to death. He helped care for her, and she converted to Christianity and was baptized, before passing away. Moshono Christian Church then hosted her Muslim family for the funeral and did not charge them anything.
Amina’s family members were so impressed by how the church treated them and how they had treated Amina that they asked if Prosper would come down and start a church in their town of Kilindi! Muslims are asking for a church plant!
The 2nd Trip
During the 2nd trip that was six weeks long, Prosper reports that they started 7 people in the discipleship material, had 17 baptisms and had their first church meeting which ran 45 people! Praise God! The community donated land for a church to be built, and plans are underway to build simple building and put a well in.
A new church

A Big Need!!
The well is a massive need. Prosper reported that there was a large number of people battling Typoid and Cholera, both are water borne diseases, and easily avoided with proper water treatment. In the past, we have run a few filter projects using the Sawyer Water Filter system for different areas where discipleship is ongoing, to prevent outbreaks like this- especially where water is scarce. (Go to )for more on the filters.). We plan to purchase and distribute them in July. Already a VBS has raised enough money for 8 filters to be go on Prosper’s next upcoming trip to Kilindi.
You will notice in the pictures that people are being baptized in a pool of water. It is the same source of water for cattle and drinking water. The filters are a short term solution. Our longer term plan is to put a deep water well which would provide ongoing supply of safe water to the village. We will let you know plans as they come along. Bill will be planning a trip by the end of the year to visit Tanzania. During his time there Bill will be encouraging Prosper and the disciples groups, conducting some refresher training, and visiting Kilindi.
A picture is woth more than words

01. Baptizing
02. Disciples meeing for a bible study
03. Prosper and Yohana share a moment in the morning in the word before engaging in ministry
04. The house Proser stays in during his discipleship trips
Family Update

The end of April and first week of May, Bill and Katrina made a vision trip to Uganda to visit Livingstone International University and the missionaries in Mbale. Livingstone International University (LIU) is a Christian Church college in Mbale, Uganda that was started six years ago. They currently have 300 students from 10 countries around Africa. While these details are still in development, the plan will be for Bill and Leah to unpaid missionary volunteers coming on to staff to primarily begin a discipleship movement among staff and students. Bill will also be doing some lecturing too. He will be discipling students, and then training them to disciple other students, and then to continue discipleship when they return home after graduation. Just as we did before in Tanzania and continue to encourage. God willing, this will lead to discipleship to spread all kinds of unknown areas!
On June 2nd, Jonathan made the most important decision of his life and was baptized into Christ. We are so proud of him!
We are moving from Lincoln Christian University where we were missionaries in residence last school year, and moving up to Crown Point, IN to stay with Bill's mom, Carolyn, until we leave for Uganda in September. Please pray for our family as we prepare to return to the field!

Katrina Update
Many of you have asked how Katrina is doing. She had been struggling with migraines, and in October started collapsing while in school. In November, we took her out of public school and she finished the semester with a private tutor provided by the school. In January, she started online school, and she will continue with this school called Sterling Academy until she graduates high school next year. She hasn’t collapsed since she started studying at home. The doctors believe it was a combination of stress and sleep deprivation that caused it. She also is having half as many migraines as she was, after she completed Physical Therapy on her neck and shoulders. Katrina has a summer job at Pizza Hut in Crown Point, IN where we are staying with Bill’s mom, Carolyn, until we leave for Uganda in September. She has also joined a young adults group for Christian young people in the area and is enjoying getting to know people. We praise God that she is doing much better, although she does get migraines they are not as frequent as they used to be. Praise God!
Prayer and Praise Items
- *Praise God that Discipleship has spread to Kilindi, and that a church is being planted there. Pray for the new believers there, and for the church to continue to grow in this mostly Muslim community.
- *Pray for the disciplers and new disciples in the Arusha region, as they continue meeting faithfully.
- *Pray for our family as we prepare to go to Uganda to work with Livingstone International University in September.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
God bless,
Bill and Leah DeLaughter
Outreach International
Project #4901